The Project:
Design a locker system with endless possibilities of different configurations for the new hybrid workplace.
The Team:
Project management, engineering, marketing, design (me), product application, QC, legal, etc..
What I Had to Manage:
1. Historically, projects usually take 2-4 years to develop at Steelcase, however, this is a "Fast Track" project and needs to be designed, manufactured, quality checked, and be on the market within a year.
2. Not one, nor two, but four types of stakeholders - facility management, interior designers, installers, and the final end users.
3. Design for three different types of user behaviors / personas / needs.
4. Product needs to provide endless configurations (while focusing on three typologies), but make sure to keep the cost down :)
Spoiler alert, I was able to pull it off.
COVID Changed it ALL
2020 drastically altered everyday life at the corporate office. For many companies, Covid marked the first time that the flexible working model was implemented and has since been adapted in many offices globally. We saw this as an opportunity to provide companies furniture products that can better encourage this new mode, accommodating the needs of different users.
Below are the three types of workers we defined, researched, and designed around.
The Remote Worker (in office 0-2 days a week) typically comes in only for important conferences. This worker lacks a reserved space and as such needs to bring their work equipment with them each day they work in office.

The Hybrid Worker (in office 2-4 days a week) is the most common worker. They do not own a dedicated space and have to grab a "touch down" desk every time they come to the office. But where does their stuff go every time they eat lunch, go for a long meeting, etc.?

The In-Office Worker (in office 5 days a week) have a designated desk, but may lack a proper office or equipment setup. With many companies downsizing their real estate, this has left many of these workers with only a desk and chair, but no real storage.

The locations, functionalities, and accessories of the locker systems were carefully crafted with the needs of these different types of workers in mind.

Complexity is the Inevitable
This project was the true definition of system design, with the complexity coming from the flexibility of possible configurations, each allowing the solution to adapt and accommodate all user types.
I led the design of a myriad of parts within the system, spanning larger objects like the lockers themselves (sizes, functionalities of different dimensions, CMF), locker base/legs, the seating nook, planters...

... to the accessories on the inside - shelves, hooks, hanger rods, bins...

... to how can we utilize the great amount of space on the backside of the lockers to encourage collaborator (screen mount, whiteboards, shelves, etc)

... and even the cable management system including the wired network locks and UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems.

I hope this gave you a pretty good idea of the project.
While all details cannot be captured by a simple case study overview, if you would like to know more, please reach out! I'd love to chat :)